Got A Tick? Why You Should Avoid These Commonly Used Removal Methods

If you have found a tick on yourself, your child, or a pet, you will want to remove the tick as quickly as possible. This helps to prevent the likelihood of you catching any diseases the tick may have, such as Lyme disease. Unfortunately thought, there are many myths or wive's tales out there in regards to the best way to remove a tick. Here are a few of the removal methods you should never use and the reason why:

Burning the Tick

One of the most common tick removal methods is to burn the ticks' butt with fire. This may be done by using a match or a cigarette. The reason this method is so popular is that it actually works on American dog ticks and was used for several years. However, it is not that effective on the type of ticks most people and pets now encounter, including deer ticks and Lone Star ticks. Plus, when a tick is burned, it may regurgitate. This increases the odds of you getting any diseases they may have. Lastly, it just is not safe to hold a flame or burning object right up against someone's body. 

Smothering the Tick in Vaseline

Another method that some people use to remove a tick is to smother it in Vaseline or any other type of petroleum jelly. And while this may eventually cause a tick to stop breathing, it can take many hours for this to happen. You want to get a tick off of your body, your loved one's body or your pet's body as soon as possible. You do not want to have to wait hours for the tick to die before you can pull it out and remove it. 

Freeze the Tick

The last myth that people may use to rid themselves or their pet off a tick is to freeze a tick. The reason this method has gained momentum is that it is used to kill the Australian Paralysis Tick. Many people use wart remover to freeze these types of ticks. This is used because freezing a tick helps prevent it from releasing the saliva it may release if it is grasped with tweezers. In this particular type of tick, that saliva contains poison that may be harmful to small pets or children. Fortunately, we do not live in Australia and the tick is not found here. As such, you should avoid using this method, as it has its own risks associated with it, such as not being able to completely remove the tick. 

If you need to remove a tick, the best way to remove it is by using tweezers to grasp the tick as close to the head as possible and to pull it upward steadily. This helps to remove the entire tick, including the head. If desired, place the tick in a bag to have it tested for disease. Rinse the affected area with rubbing alcohol. If you are struggling to get a tick out, see a doctor or a vet immediately. 

Contact a company like the Environmental Services Pest Control for more information and assistance. 
